4月コース:アビナヴァグプタ x 空海 〜インドアシュラム生活 vol.5〜


日本人グループで「マントラの科学〜アビナヴァグプタ x 空海の類似点」についてレクチャーをしました。


サンスクリット語のデーヴァナーガリー文字の “A”はシヴァを表し、悉曇文字または梵字の “A”は大日如来(法身)を象徴しています。すなわち、一つ一つの文字が神聖な世界への門です。悉曇文字の哲学は空海の様々な本で述べられており、日本の仏教には「字門定義」と呼ばれる理論または実践があります。



Sensei (先生) Tomoko Nakaguchi teaching an Exposition on: The Similarities between Abhinavagupta & Kukai.

Abhinavagupta is the guru of Uttara Shaivism. Kukai is the guru of Shingon Tantric Buddhism or Vajrayana. Both define the Manifestation through Metaphysical Languages from the Absolute.

Devanāgarī script “A” represents Shiva. Siddhaṃ script (悉曇文字) or Bonji (梵字)”A” symbolizes Mahāvairocana, which is Dharma Kāya. In fact, every single letter is the gateway towards the sacred realm. The philosophy of Siddham is discussed in Kukai’s books. The theory and practice called JIMON TEIGI exists in Japanese Buddhism. Literally it means the definition of entering in the gate towards the letter.

Learning the Mantric Science enables us to understand the system of our existence, thus to trace ourselves back to MU (無/ Consciousness). Recognising the depth of our own culture leads us to respect our true self.

Shri Kali Ashram offers Yoga Teacher Training Course based on traditional understanding of Tantra. Beautiful Tantric cultures exist all over the world. Bhagavan and Ma Kristina teach the unchanging principle MU (無), not the changing principle MUJO (無常).